Equipment Lists
Hi Coaches & Team Parents, here is a list of equipment. Feel free to share this with parents on your team to make sure everyone understands what they need to buy before the season.
Items provided in the equipment bag to each coach:
- Boxes of baseballs for the game. Some are for practices, some are for games, depending on the division.
- Catcher's gear.
- 1 Helmet
- Safety/emergency kit. This kit should have an ice pack, gauze, and band-aids. Please email the league if you're missing anything.
- TeeBall coaches will also have a bat to share + a hitting tee + a set of bases to use during practices.
Items provided by the league:
- Each player gets a hat and jersey. They are almost always oversized, especially for TeeBall. The orders come with a set of sizes that can't be changed, so set expectations accordingly.
- The equipment sheds at each field and the TeeBall backstop's equip boxes all have the stuff required for games and a few useful things for practices. These will be reviewed at the coaching clinic. Required equipment each player must acquire:
- Baseball Glove
- Cleats (plastic spikes only, no metal allowed)
- Safety Cup
- Pants, socks, belt. Wait for your coach to get their jersey color and coordinate with your team. A ballcap and jersey are provided by the league.
- Batting Helmet. Helmets with face guards are mandatory in the Tee Ball, MAPS-Prep and Maps divisions. Face guards are encouraged but optional in Minors, Majors, Intermediates, Juniors, and Seniors divisions. (coaches have 1 helmet to share for the entire team but they're required while batting and running the bases)
Optional equipment:
- A bat. (Recommended for older kids but TeeBall kids can use the coach's bat to start). Must have the "USA Baseball" logo. (coaches in the lower divisions like TeeBall have 1 to share for the entire team so you can start the season without one). Click here for more Bat Information and Bat Rules. Please note that "Teeball" bats may not be used beyond TeeBall for safety reasons - they can bend and shatter when used with the MAPS machines. Coaches (and umpires) are expected to check for these standards on all bats used at practices and games.
- Batting Gloves
- Catcher's Gear. Each coach will have a set of catcher's gear provided by the league. Most kids share this gear and don't purchase their own.
- Specialty gloves: Catcher's mitt, first baseman's mitt, etc. These aren't required but some older kids that specialize on defense may want their own.
Guidance on equipment sizing:
This is rough guidance for those newer to baseball or newer to an age group, they're not hard-set sizing guides. With any equipment, it can be good to see what other sizes their friends / kids on their team are using and ask to try them for a moment. We also usually have an equipment table at opening day where you can try used equipment donated from other families.
Make sure the kid can close it fully, larger ones are harder to close. The best way to learn the fundamentals of fielding and catching is by wearing a glove that fits well, larger gloves can prevent them from developing proper fielding skills. This chart is a rough guide by age: Age | Glove Size |
3-5 years old | 8-9 inches |
6-7 years old
| 9-10 inches |
8-9 years old | 10-11 inches |
10-14 years old | 11-12 inches |
Here are size charts from Rawlings and Wilson that may help as well.
Make sure they can swing the bat quickly. Longer/heavier bats make it harder to hit the ball while they are learning proper swing technique. A good guide is to measure the distance from the middle of their palm to the middle of their chest, while their hand is held out straight to the side. Get a bat that is that length or a little shorter. Here's a rough size guide by age, though height and weight will matter a lot as well:
Age | Bat length | 5-7 years old | 24"-26" | 8-9 years old | 26"-28" | 10 years old | 28"-29" | 11-12 years old | 30"-31" | 13-14 years old | 31"-32" |
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Safety Cups
The smallest size sold at the store is usually the right one for the younger kids, but you'll have to use your judgement here.