Team Parents are responsible for assisting the Coach with the following items. Team Parents can also ask other parents on the team to help with these items.Uniforms: Pick up team uniforms from Uniform Coordinator Armando Tovar -
[email protected]. Coordinate having numbers (and names if desired) put on uniforms at the start of the season. One option is
KNB Printing. They have been one of our sponsors for years.
Document Collection:Ensure all players on your team have turned in the
required documents. Assist in collecting any missing documents from your team.
Team Banner for Opening Day (Spring Season Only)Here are some links to vendors who have been used in the past:
alphagraphics.com619signs.combannersusa.comIf you would like to design your own banner, graphics can be created on using the Landscape Banner template (72x36in)
Recruit ScorekeepersFor the Minors division and above, each team needs parent volunteers to keep score during games. The district holds a scorekeeping clinic each season. A recording of the clinic and scorekeeping materials are available on our site under
"Scorekeeping Materials".
Team Communication
- Set up a way for your team to communicate via group email/text or use of an app such as TeamSnap or Gamechanger are helpful for practice and game schedules and sending team messages/reminders.
- Forward all league communications to the team. Often league-wide emails are sent to spam or not opened. Information from league-wide emails can be copied and pasted into the team messaging app so everyone stays up to date with league communication & events.
SponsorshipLet the parents on your team know that we are a non-profit organization and we are looking for sponsors. If any of the parents on your team own a business or work for a company that is interested in sponsoring our league, please send them them a link to our
sponsorship page and have them contact our Sponsorship Rep Alix Ellis
[email protected].
Snack Bar Sign Ups (Spring Season Only)Ensure all snack bar shifts are covered during your games by sending out reminders for parents. Teams are required to cover snack bar shifts during their games, so the parents on your team should rotate working snack bar shifts during the season. Each family is required to volunteer at the snack bar for 4 hours per player plus 2 additional hours for each sibling/additional player.
We ask that snacks are purchased from the snack bar in lieu of bringing snacks from home as the snack bar raises funds for our league. Instead of asking parents to rotate bringing snacks from home for after the game, please have parents rotate purchasing snack bar tickets for the team. Snack bar tickets are $5 and will buy each player a hot dog, drink, and chips.
End of SeasonIf your team desires, coordinate an end of the year party to celebrate. This can be anything your team chooses - meet up at a park/playground/beach/bay/
someone's house/restaurant. The team parent usually coordinates a coaches gift and card signed by parents at the end of the season.
Click Here to watch the recording: Spring 2024 Team Parent Meeting